December 13, 2009


Artist: Susan Kitazawa
"I have high Myopia, normal tension Glaucoma and inoperable Cataracts. My vision is like a cell phone connection that’s breaking up badly. Some parts are clear. Some are fuzzy. And some aren’t there at all. The creative arts have always been meaningful to me as processes of discovery that take place within community, not a product-producing activity. I begin with some material on hand, whether it's yarn, old photos, sadness, or a fresh memory from that day, and see where it goes. I see this as taking what is, as-is, and seeing what else it could become – much as I take in imperfect visual data and do with it what I can. I rarely restrict myself to one medium, I love playful combinations, unexpected juxtapositions. My work often involves movement of something raveling toward another destination. Even in completion there’s usually something unresolved.
There's always another way to see things."

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